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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Grilled Lamb & Raya Cookies

Hi! (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ
Today mom and me made grilled lamb for berbuka. No complicated marinade, the lamb was simply rubbed with cumin and fennel seeds, salt and black pepper and some vinegar (i used pomegranate). Let it sit for two hours and grill as usual.
Served with a side of fries, veggies and classic campbell's mushroom soup.
oh sorry, i honestly forgot to take better pictures of them cause i was in the middle of baking raya cookies! the one on the right that looked like weird sausage is actually popia goreng or fried spring roll and the sauce was simply store bought black pepper sauce mixed with some mayo (my mom loves mayo!!!).

And i'm sure y'all can see the cookie in the background! Here it is....
first up is Biskut Samperit (samperit cookie) and below is Double Chocolate Chips.
Samperit is a family favorite, i swear it melts in your mouth! And who doesn't love chocolate chippy?!!

OK. i'm super tired, i promise i'll post the recipe tomorrow! (*≧m≦*)

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